Took a Hike. Found My Bliss.

When I was a kid, Dad would take us on hikes – or as I remember them – forced marches through the woods. He had an uncanny ability to lose the trail. I touched on the topic briefly in this post. We’d be dragged, if not kicking and screaming, then at least whining and bickering through bug-infested jungles. Needless to say, I was not a fan.

I’ve surprised myself by discovering a love for hiking in my later years. Nearly every trip Mr. Maid and I take involves an opportunity to get out there and haul my old bones up, over to, or around, whatever Mother Earth has to offer.

There are few places that give me a greater sense of peace and connection to nature than on a hiking trail. I have come to crave the fresh air, the physical challenge, and the surrounding flora and fauna. And nothing gives me more satisfaction than that feeling of finally reaching the summit.

Here are a few of my favorite moments…

Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii – Dragging my ass through a strenuous hike often has me feeling like Wonder Woman, so as you’ll see, I often have the urge to strike this pose. Cheesy smile and all!
g canyon
South Kaibab Trail, South Rim, Grand Canyon, Arizona
grand canyon
North Kaibab Trail, North Rim, Grand Canyon, Arizona
Trail to Apakuni Falls, Glacier National Park, Montana
Avalanche Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho
Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, Maine – There’s that pose again! You can read about our misadventures on this hike here.
death valley
Dante’s View of Badwater Basin, Death Valley National Park, California
Zabriskie Point, Death Valley National Park, California – my other ‘go-to’ pose – because hiking really does bring me closer to my bliss! Namaste, ya’ll!

Written for the WordPress’ Daily Post Photo Challenge: satisfaction

15 thoughts on “Took a Hike. Found My Bliss.

  1. First of all…. nice guns! lol… Second, your photos are wonderful, it really is amazing what we begin to love as adults, there goes that saying. “You might not like this now, but will understand later”.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t know about guns… pea shooters maybe! lol But thanks!
      So true about how our tastes change. The early feelings are probably the natural urge to resist our parents – no matter what they suggest. I see the same phenomenon with my stepdaughter now that she’s an adult.

      Liked by 1 person

    • There’s absolutely a meditative aspect to it!
      Living in the boring, flat, midwest, we love going to these spots. We usually can only go on one trip a year, so we try to make it “count.” Some, like Yellowstone/Tetons/Sawtooth were all in one roadtrip. As you know all too well, our bodies may not always be able, so we’re determined to do as much as we can while we can.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been to Haleakala but I have to admit; I rode up in a bus. I have hiked in Acadia though. One of my favorites in the world and so happy to see you have been there. You have hit some gorgeous trails and posed for some great photos!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks!
      Haleakala is so cool, isn’t it? Felt like being on the moon.
      I just love Acadia and Maine in general. I went there as a kid and have unfortunately only been back once, last year. I wrote a series of blog posts about the trip. Check them out if you get a chance.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. […] scottseyephotosWeekly Photo Challenge: Satisfaction Na’ama YehudaSatisfaction Painting | Maid’s Day OffTook a Hike. Found My Bliss. WPC: Satisfaction – Walking in the Woods – A Trivial Mind At Work This Affliction / J HARDY […]


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